How it works?
Every month grades groups partner up for teacher supervised Virtue Visits. Each month we focus on a Virtue In Practice. These are good habits that help to form children through the lense of Christ and His Church.
Many of these virtues are the core fountaions for how we want to form the whole child at Saint Mary Catholic School. Understanding these virtues and practicing them on a daily baisis with peers through prayer, hands on activites, mentoring, and reinforcement in all subject areas are key to making these virtues a part of your childs daily life.
We believe that teaching Kindness through the teachings of Jesus and His great love for us is instrumental in forming the whole child.
Mercy is...
Dictionary definition:
1. Compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone who it is within one's power to punish or harm.
We know it is so much more...
Mercy is "Love that responds to human need in an unexpected or unmerited way."
Jesus Christ teaches mercy time and time again in the New testament. The Gospel of Matthew tells a parable of the "unmerciful servant" in that forgiveness, (Matthew 18 21-15) especially when it is not deserved, is at the core of true mercy. The story teaches us that we must forgive others because we have been forgiven ourselves.
Acts of KINDNESS are the ACTION behind mercy.
When we are kind to people regardless of whether they "deserve" it or not, we are being merciful.
Forgiving a friend in your heart and out loud to them (even if they don't ask), you are being merciful.
1) If someone does something mean to you, don’t treat them badly in return.
2) If someone does something mean to you, do something nice to them instead.
3) Offer forgiveness to someone who has wronged you before it is asked for.
4) Trade your large ice cream cone for a sibling’s smaller one.
5) Offer to do a chore for a brother or sister who got it as a consequence.
Pope Francis writes "Jesus Christ is the face of God's mercy."
Miracles of Mercy: K-3rd
Mercy Music Playlist
The ways to show mercy- Middle School
Helping kids understand Mercy: parents
Sharing a mutual LOVE that seeks the good of the other
What is true friendship?
Jesus teaches us about friendship in the Gospel!
Gospel Friendship
These kids NAIL it!
PreK and K- Making Friends
Book: Making Friends is an Art!
Work on an group ART project, watercolor mural etc...
Friendship Soup Video- K-4th
What's in your friendship soup?
Can you think of any other ingredients in your friendship soup? (forgivness, listening, sacrifice, faith encouragement, )
Activity: Friendship Yarn game (can be modified to be class specific)
5th-8th- Conflict Resolution and Friendship
Video:Conflict resolution
What type of conflicts do you often experience in your friendships?
What's your conflict style?
Are you communicating effectively?
Have small groups read and discuss one of the short article links below or any relevant friendship article.
Friends Song by Singing Walrus
Count on me by Bruno Mars
Random Acts of Kindness day! SMCS will celebrate this on
TBD bring $1 wear black and yellow and JEANS!
KINDNESS IDEAS: ( see documents and links below for kindness calenders)
Give a flower
Eat lunch with someone new
Clean a neighbors walk (help a neighbor)
Offer a hug
Pick up litter
Open a door
Plant a tree
Help carry a load
Cheer up a friend
Thank a teacher or mentor
Say HELLO and add a SMILE
Send a Card
Give up your seat
Do a favor
Pay for a meal
Hold a Hand
Give a compliment
Give a book
Donate to a cause
Call your grandparents
Bake cookies for someone
Dontate Blood
Being Faithful to promises and commitments!
Keeping Your Promises
See the below video clips for more information on the importance of keeping your PROMISES!
Hi All,
Since we are thinking of Purity as " keeping your soul free of sin" ...we can ask ourselves what are some are "our bad habits" that make our "intentions" not pure.
Ask What are some temptations we face for personally? (excessive screen time, movies/music with bad language or violence,)
Ask How can we remain close to God? (Pray, Confession, ask for help, obey, Avoid temptation}
Ask How can our PURITY be examples for those around us? (the bully cycle, younger siblings or classmates)
Ask What small day to day acts of kindness can help guide us toward a PURE HEART AND MIND? (remind them that a pure deed is done with the expectation of nothing in return) Similar in that we perform acts of kindness to everyone sometimes even if they don't deserve it! (MERCY)
The below link has a little activity that has example of different things we do that may become sinful and separate us from GOD.
Ex (playing video games when mom asked me to empty the dishwasher) - obedience
(Stealing from a friends house)(making up stories to make yourself look good)
Virtue Booklet also has some cool activities also! Please let me know if you would like me to print the activities for your grade level etc..
For more information on PURITY OF INTENTIONS here is an interesting article
Fortitude and how it can be Mercy in Motion on Campus.
Our January Virtue is
Fortitude: Being Brave and strong in the face of trials
ASK: What are some things that make you scared?
(Discuss one way to be brave is standing up for others! And trying to do what is right)
Role Play these scenarios
Prk-2nd- I will have copies of the "The Virtues in Practice" activity for Role playing BEING BRAVE and standing up for others and doing what is right in your box.
Check out this cute STAND UP SPEAK UP video
We can practice Fortitude in everyday interactions. This helps us to grow strong enough to face larger issues and situations.
Checkout this Song "The Power of ONE"
SHARE THIS FACT: 85% of kids are not a bully or a victim but a BYSTANDER. Having Fortitude to stand up for others is the right thing to do.
Let your child/students LISTEN, VISUALIZE, FEEL the Lyrics (watch video-when appropriate). Here is an additional playlist that has a good mix.
Thank you for all your love, support, and Fortitude ;)
These are great resources for our SAINT CONNECTION to RESPECT
Saint John Paul II
Saint Damien as a young priest
Saint Jeanne Jugan
Prk-K pg 32-35 Respect
1st-2nd pg 32-35 Respect
3rd-5th pg. 32-35 Respect
6th-8th pg 32-35 Respect
Rachel’s Challenge Ambassadors painted our new Buddy Bench after school today. Our "Buddy Bench" will be placed on the playground where students can sit when they feel alone at recess and need someone to play with...other students will watch the bench and invite everyone to play! Thank you , Mrs. Dierig!!