Fall & Winter Sports Info and Schedules
Sports 2023-2024
Athletic Director, Coach John Reaves John.Reaves@saintmaryschool.net
If your student is in grades 5-8 he/she will be able to tryout and be a part of the
Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball & Soccer Teams ONLY if the following requirements are met:
Middle School Sports Packet-Completed/Dated June 1, 2023 or after
Valid Sports Physical (all pages)-good for 365 days
COVID Release for each Student Athlete
The Athlete will be allowed to start particaption the day AFTER all documents and Sports Fees have been turned in to Coach Reaves.
Join REMIND for the sport to receiveText Messages and Updates
Parent Transportation
If you are transporting students to and from any athletic event you are required to complete the Volunteer requirements set by the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee.
These requirements include:
Background Check
On-line Courses
Driver Information Sheet.
These requirements can be found on the Parent Volunteer Page.
Saint Mary Catholic School Athletics (grades 5-8)
Saint Mary School competes in the following sports:
Cross Country
Girls Volleyball
Lacrosse (Club Sport)
Track and Field (one meet with the Diocese in Pensacola, grades K-8)
Our students can begin participating in the sports program in the 5th grade.
Our sports teams compete with the Okaloosa County Middle Schools.
The athletics fee for the 2023-24 school year will be $75 per sport.
Golf will pay a separate fee to the city for membership. Price to be determined.
The athletics fee paid to Saint Mary School is used to help cover
officials fees, equipment costs, uniforms, entry and membership fees.
Our program continues to grow through student participation and parent involvement.
We hope to have you and your student be part of our program too!